iPhone  Mockup.png

Green World

App and Video

App Concept & Promotional Video

Green World is a mobile photo-sharing and social networking service to promote water sustainability.

The objective of this project was to provide residents with ideas of how to create an eco-friendly alternative landscape after removing their lawns. Our mobile app focuses on creating a community where users can share photos or articles of drought-friendly landscape ideas that they had done themselves or came across to be inspired by each other. 

Initial Draft


This was the original mobile wireframes for our initial app idea. We originally designed it to be a purely educational step-by-step guide that teaching users about sustainability, promoting the Turf Replacement Program, and informing users about various eco-friendly landscaping components.

However, we realized that this idea was more suitable as a brochure than an app, and what we needed was a more engaging and entertaining method to increase our user's interests. This was how we transitioned from our pure educational app to a social media platform idea. 


With Modifications

We decided to draw inspiration from Houzz and a Chinese Pinterest like app called Duitang, with the sole focus eco-friendly landscaping, especially for those whose lawns are removed. The app contains four main pages (newsfeed, location, shopping, and the primary user's profile page) as well as a notifications page. 

The user would initially be exposed to the newsfeed page that presents articles with the current trends in landscaping. This helps to inspire users with new ideas and create a sense of "green community". Users can also comment on the articles to share their thoughts.

The location page allows one to filter other user's landscape ideas based off location. We incorporated this feature to take into account the different environmental factors that affect landscape designs and for users to be inspired from others in similar climates. 

The shopping page will be filled with links to specific materials and plants that users have used in their own landscapes, sourced from the shared landscapes from the location tool. This will also help local companies with their business as the app will feature their products. 

Each user will have their own profile page where they can create albums and upload photos of their own lawns as well as write blog posts. We designed it so that users will not only be inspired, but be given the opportunity to share and inspire others as well.